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Friday, July 31, 2009

About Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms of course do not play such an important role in Western society and therefore many people do not know what the cherry blossom looks like. Nor have they ever experienced it's true beauty and the full splendor of the blossom when in full bloom in the cold of winter. That's right cherry blossoms come out very late in the winter time as it starts to become spring. This flower or blossom of course grows from a flowering cherry tree. Typically flowering cherry tress do not produce cherries and if they do they do not taste very good. Instead flower cherry trees produce a beautiful flower. These can bloom anytime from the middle of winter all the way through the late spring depending on the variety and the climate where it is being grown. They are most typically colored white with a slight tint of pink in them.

Culturally Based Symbolism

The symbolism and meaning behind the flowers can differ a little bit form one culture to the next and for some the meaning and symbolism behind the flower has been lost over time and through multiple translations. However most typically for the Chinese the cherry blossom represent women. The beauty of the blossom is thought to directly reflect the beauty of a women. So for those wishing to get a tattoo to show their feminine side or their girl power side a cherry blossom tattoo might be just the thing. For the Japanese they represent a variety of thoughts and emotions. They can represent new life since they bloom in the spring which marks the beginning of a new year. However they are also very delicate flowers and live for a very short time. The Japanese feel that their extreme beauty and short time span makes it especially important to enjoy them right away. They also feel that this is symbolic of how life should be lived, in the moment. This is similar to the Latin saying Carpe Diem or seize the day.

Possible Tattoo Designs

There are many different tattoo designs that one could get that integrate a cherry blossom design. One of the first things to consider is the placement of the tattoo. Where the tattoo is placed on the body will affect the size and amount of detail for the tattoo. After figuring out the placement of the design then you will also want to consider adding to the design and possible design colors that you would like to use.

There are so many fun things to do with a tattoo. Whether you're looking for something small that only you and other very special people will see, or something that no one can miss, tattoos are a great way to make a statement about yourself for the world to see. Now that there are so many great ideas out there for cute girl tattoos, why not go out and get one today?

When you're thinking about what to get, there's always the simple approach. What could be cuter than a few strategically-placed hearts or stars? One idea is to have a cluster of stars, maybe on your lower back or ankle. Hearts look great just about anywhere-particularly on your shoulder, ankle, hip, thigh, or upper chest.

Flowers are another great way to go when considering a tattoo. A great way to use flowers is to get a ring of flowers around your belly button or your ankle. A single long-stemmed rose on the back of one of your shoulders is another sweet way to use flowers.

Another idea for a single-flower look is just to put a daisy, iris, tulip, or lily bud pretty much anywhere. It'd be fun to have maybe a small bouquet of lilies twisting up and around your ankle.

Another fun way to go is with favorite phrases spelled out in other languages, particularly languages which don't use the Roman characters we see every day. Characters and words from Asian languages are very popular, as are Gaelic symbols. There are all kinds of symbols out there that can say exactly what you want them to, though they will have to get that cute guy to come over and talk to you to ask you what they mean if he wants to know about it!

Also, whoever said that girls can't be sports fans? Why not get the logo of your favorite sports team, or your favorite player's (or driver's) number tattooed on your upper arm, ankle, or upper back? Guys love it when girls are sports-savvy, and this would be a great way to show your support for your school or hometown team!

Source :!&id=2239199

summer 09

what are you doing this summer?? are u traveling, staying home ?? if u are going to the beach take miley's advice, and have fun. she's the BEACH QUEEN according to our annual poll

miley filming in savannah

today is big concert in Monterrey, Mexico, are you going?? there are 2 shows, one at 3pm and other at 7 pm so...??

miley blends

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what do you think about miley??

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Probably this could be the cover of miley's new record. Acoording to walmart it will be named " The Time Of Our Lives" and will be on sale ONLY at walmart in September.But could this be the cover of her new cd?? probably but just time will let us know

miley's clothing line already at walmart, do you like it'? will you buy it??

miley having a sleepover with Carly chaikin who uploaded this pic in twitter saying "miley is now a geisha."

she also said:
I am a bad influence on @mileycyrus Slleepp over gurrrlll. Just had a dance party in the bathroom

while miley tweeted:
@carlychaikin is a turning in to Mother Teresa right now. Some hard core lectures are goin' down :) I love late night chats with the Chaik.

Laying awake. Chaikin is a grandma and goin to bed! I mean come on its only 5 am, the night is young :) P.S. Chicken sounds uh-mazing. Night

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Demi and her unforgettable PRADA bag which you can find at Barneys New York or Saks or wherever. Its classic,black ,it has a normal size but perfect for the city, plains, tour and many things she uses it for appeareances or candids, formal or casual stuff .So this bag its perfect for several ocassions and always be into fashion, its a recognized brand and perfect for DEMI.

Miley uses her Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag $700. for many ocassions, and different styles: with jeans,sweats, coats and many other things , she can be casual or formal. and for her $700 is nothing but for others it might be a lot.

But its a wise inversion, just 700 for a LV tell me which other bag costs that ??? i mean is relative cheap having on count is a good brand, its classic and its big, you can have many things in there.

and i say wise inversion cuz u'll have it foever, and so its classic you can use it each year, and it always be into fashion. its a recognized brand and its cute, big and ya know its a bag, we all need somewhere to put what we'll be needing and imagine more celebs, miley says she always has a right aid or whatever its called in her bag!!!

so will you buy yours or already have one'??

Miley likes to invert and re-use what she loves as this Frech Connection Coat $149, which is probably out os stock .As its classic and black she uses it for different ocassions, as appearences in T.V or tour in Berlin, Germany etc. she wears it to hang out with BFF mandy to dinner at sushi and many ocassions. and seems like a wise inversion. cheap to her, probably some people would find it expensive, but you know affordable and people like her so so cheap.

i really dont get what is that thing ahaha but looks crazy. so her hair looks all messy and dirty

Demi auditioned for Chelsea's role in J.O.N.A.S. but im wondering why she didnt got the part?? maybe because she had Sunny With A Chance. probably, or she had the tour with them so was enough..who knows..??

here some blends enjoy!!

Taylor Swift & Taylor Launter as extras or a little role in Valentines Day (Movie) they shared a kissed, not picture. They'll be playing 2 athlets in the movie who Emma Roberts is starring.

Miley is the winner of our annual beach body special. so congratulations, even if it was too close to vannesa but she won.

Miley 2009 bikini queen

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

miley looking beautiful in Tybee Island.

22 hours left to vote...dont forget to choose your fave miley vanessa ashley demi or selena??

so now the epic battle is between miley and vanessa....but who'll be the beach queen???

The ankle is a great place for a tattoo on girls because they are really showcased by the right pair of strappy sandals. Seeing a sexy tattoo in a suggestive place can earn you a lot of attention. Be ready for lots of compliments, from both girls and guys.

Some of the most common ankle tattoo designs are fairies, dragons, flowers, stars, crosses, Chinese characters, butterflies, or signs of the Zodiac. But that doesn't mean you can't tattoo anything you want, including words and cartoon characters. Your imagination is literally the limit when it comes to ankle tattoos.

Before you get inked, know a few basic things about tattoos. One, most places in Canada and the U.S. require you to be 18 to get a tattoo. You may be 16 if you have parental consent or a parent accompanying you to the studio.

Two, check out the studio where you plan to have your tattoo done. Laws governing tattoos are really spotty, so just about anyone can buy a machine and start inking people. Having an inexperienced or unprofessional tattoo artist can leave you with a really poor-quality tattoo that you're stuck with for life. You could also develop a nasty infection at the tattoo site, which could sometimes even be fatal! Check online and with your friends to find a good studio. Only visit one that you know has done quality work before.

Before you go get your tattoo, spend some time doing a little research. You may be excited to go out and get it done, but you'll have it with you forever so there's no need to be hasty in your decision. Browse designs and sketches to get a clear idea of exactly what it is you want. Browse online tattoo design galleries for ideas and inspiration. Getting a sexy ankle tattoo is going to be best achieved when you do your research and find the perfect design ahead of time, before you show up at the studio.

By :Phie

Men and girl there is a difference in the selection places tattoo.

Usual places for a man to have a tattoo is on the chest, shoulder or upper arm. Girls fashion can be some what revealing, so having a tattoo on those parts can limit a girls wardrobe if it needs to be hidden. Girls have to consider weather the tattoo will look good when wearing a bikini or wedding dress. Which means they are generally more careful, making sure that a tattoo is easily concealed in professional clothing.

Before searching for a sexy girl tattoo, deciding where it will be on the body is the first step. Popular places for girls are on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and below the belly button. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion as they can be easily covered up or put on show. Avoid having a tattoo on the upper chest or breast. Pregnancy or late age can cause the tattoo to stretch and become ruined.

Sexy girl tattoo designs are often butterflies, flowers, shooting stars, dolphins and cute fairies. Although it's exciting getting a tattoo, time should always be taken to pick a design. Hundreds of people have rushed in and just picked a design from the tattoo parlors books, to then find they don't really like it or their friend got the exact same design the day before.

By : Phie

Born in 1911, and died in 1973, Jerry was a sailor for most of his lifetime. He resided in Hawaii, where he had access to the great mysticism of the far east... he kept in close contact with the Japanese tattoo masers, and learned much from them.

He practiced his early tattoo art during a period in tattoo history when only sailors, bikers and social deviants got tattoos. He elevated the art of tattoo to a new level of respectability, and perfected methods of sterilization. He referred to the other tattoo practitioners working in less sanitary conditions as "scab artists".

He is most famous for his girly tattoos, his demon tattoos, she-devils, etc. Jerry really perfected the concept of the pin up girl as the the supervixen that would lead a poor sailor down the path to his destruction. She, in combination with liquor, gambling and fast cars, would come to be known as "man's ruin".

Sailor Jerry mentored such modern day tattoo masters

as Ed Hardy, Cliff Raven and Mike Malone. Ed Hardy and Mike Malone inherited the rights to all of Jerry's tattoo flash art and tattoo drawings!

With the resurgence in popularity of old school tattoos, Jerry's vintage pinup girls have become iconic. There is a line of products sporting his images now.. from clothing, ashtrays and playing cards, to 92 proof rum! Talk about ubiquitous and iconic-- I even saw his rum the other day at Rite Aid drug store!

Stacy Lande is a Los Angeles based artist, and her pin up art is most often placed in the lowbrow catagory. Her book, THE RED BOX, from Last Gasp press, features introductions from Robert Williams and Frank Kozik. Stacy has had a lifelong obsession with pin up girls, and her erotic paintings explore the more allegorical side of pinups. Her subjects are femme fatales and devil girls, and her fascination with the succubus has prompted her work to be described as "predatory pinups". Stacy's paintings have been featured in magazine articles, notably Juxtapoz, Detour, and Hot Rod Deluxe; films, notably Gone in 60 Seconds starring Angelina Jolie and Nicholas cage; and art books, such as Weirdo Deluxe, from Chronicle Books, and Vicious, Delcious, and Ambitious, from Schiffer Books.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Coming as quite the surprise, Kim Kardashian has reportedly ended her long-term relationship with NFL star Reggie Bush.
Having already been confirmed by Kim’s rep, an insider tells Us magazine, “Nobody cheated. This is just a case of conflicting schedules and their lives going in different directions.”

She has always had a reputation for walking on the wild side, and last night (July 27) Katy Perry was spotted getting a new tattoo.
The “Hot N Cold” songstress joked around with the paparazzi by showing a fake “Josh Grobin” tat on her chest following her trip to East Side Tattoo in the East Village.

what do you think about katy's tatoo, ?? we all knew someday she would get one, but do you like what she decided to get tatoo


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