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Monday, April 13, 2009

After doing an interview at MTV studios, Zac Efron chats away on his phone and heads out for Late Night with David Letterman in NYC on Monday afternoon (April 13).
The 21-year-old actor, who appears on the May 2009 cover of GQ, appeared on The View early this morning.
Zac shared with the ladies about his first audition, “My Mom asked me if I wanted to audition for musical theater because I was always singing and dancing around the house — they were pretty annoyed by this at the time. So, she asked if I wanted to go to Toys ‘R Us or somewhere one day because I had wanted to get an action figure or something. Little did I know, it was actually a trick. She dropped me off at this audition for Gypsy. I ran around in a news cap and sold newspapers. I got the part…I didn’t even get to go to Toys ‘R Us after.”
Be sure to catch Zac on The Late Night with David Letterman TONIGHT!



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