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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cheryl Cole is reportedly struggling with homesickness while in Los Angeles.
The Girls Aloud singer has apparently been working with a vocal coach in preparation for a role on the upcoming US version of The X Factor. However, The Sun claims that Cole is finding it difficult to be separated from her mother Joan.

"Cheryl was missing Joan just a few hours after she landed," a source told the paper. "She reckons it will need visits from her mum at least every fortnight and she will try to fly home every other week - even if just for a couple of days.

"She asks that every room she stays in has similar furnishings and pictures so she doesn't feel too displaced."

They added: "Derek [Hough] bought her some Haribo the other day and she said even they tasted different, so she's planning on getting her favourite sweets posted over."



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